Fraternity of St. Joseph (FSJ) Life Defenders

The FSJ Life Defenders resource guide was developed to assist the laity in pro-life advocacy and ministry. The resource guide provides printable materials on various aspects of prayerful Rosary vigils at abortion facilities. Our responsibility as a parish community is to bear witness to Jesus Christ and His Word, to defend the most vulnerable among us, to transform hardened hearts, and to expose the abortion industry’s exploitation of women and families.
Printable Life Defenders Materials:
Code of Conduct
Perimeter Prayer
Saint Joseph Prayer
Rosary for the Unborn
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Pro-Life Stations of the Cross
Parental Consent Form
Please read the Code of Conduct prior to your arrival at the abortion facility. The behavioral and attitudinal suggestions outlined in the document will provide the spiritual foundation necessary to guide your thoughts, words, and actions, and in the process, ensure a peaceful and protected vigil experience.
Consider setting aside time before the prayer vigil for silent prayer and meditation, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide and protect you throughout this spiritual work of mercy. You might find it helpful to meditate on the first of Jesus Christ’s final words during his crucifixion:
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”
St. Joseph, Pillar of Families, pray for us. Amen.
Assembling a Gathering Yourself?
We have created a sample bulletin announcement to share with your parish along with some helpful tips.