Rev. Mr. Martin Ricart III
Rev. Mr. Martin Ricart III was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate by Bishop Peter Jugis on January 29th, 2011. Married in 1997 to Milly Ricart, he...
Read MoreRev. Mr. Martin Ricart III
pldcnmartinstacltnc@gmail.comRev. Mr. Martin Ricart III was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate by Bishop Peter Jugis on January 29th, 2011.
Married in 1997 to Milly Ricart, he remains a devoted husband and father of two teenaged sons. He provides for his family working as a Physician Assistant.
He and his wife moved to Charlotte in 1997 from Long Island, NY. and were parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas until, his ordination, when he was assigned by the Bishop to serve at St. James the Greater, in Concord. There he faithfully served, until he returned with his family in 2016 to St. Thomas Aquinas.
Deacon Martin’s ministerial responsibilities have included Baptismal preparation, Marriage preparation, catechetical lectures, spiritual reflections, prayer services, daily and Sunday liturgy.
Deacon Martin is also named by the Bishop spiritual director/ chaplain for Catholic Scouting in the diocese.
Personal note: “I am honored and humbled to be asked to participate in the Paternal Leadership role.”
Now more than ever it seems we have been immersed in a sea of chaos and strife. And our God, a God of structure and peace, calls his children, especially his sons to find themselves formed into the body of His only begotten Son, Jesus.
It is my desire to walk with you, to rely on you, as you rely on me to become the body of Christ; and by God’s grace help build and be the building blocks that make up the kingdom of God.
This is our calling. This is our purpose, to serve each other as we serve our neighbors.
Therefore, by the intercession of Mary and Joseph, may we also be inspired to follow their example of faithfulness and willingness to allow God’s will to permeate their souls; we to may act in like manner for the praise and Glory of God.
Yours in the service of Christ,
Deacon Martin Ricart III
Brought to you by The Fraternity of St. Joseph Men’s Group